
The hunt for the prized solar shrimp has begun. As reports of motorized canoes netting the prized solar shrimp poured in on Wednesday, boat owners cried foul and demanded immediate action by the Director of Fisheries against the activity.

Nandkishore Verlekar, however, told Herald that the department has not received any instances of violation of the ban on fishing by the motorized canoes.

An agitated President of the Cutbona Boat Owners Association, Patrick D’Silva, however, claimed violation of the fishing ban by the motorized canoes. “The Goenchea Ramponkarancho Ekvott” is demanding extension of the fishing ban period to 60 days, but they have started fishing even before the 45-day ban period has ended”, Patrick said.

He claimed that the motorized canoes are fishing with double motors and are not authorized to use winch while fishing. “There is absolutely no mechanism in place along the coast to check violation of the fishing ban by the motorized canoes”, he said.

Patrick called up Fisheries Director Nandkishore Verlekar this evening and lodged his complaint over the violation of ban by the motorized canoes. He demanded that the Fisheries Director alert the police as well and mobilize staff of the Fisheries Department to check the violations as landing of the prized solar shrimp has taken place in the Cansaulim-Velsao belt, Vasco, Salcete and Canacona.

The Fisheries Director, however, maintained there’s no ban on fishing by motorised canoes as per the Supreme Court orders.

“Motorised canoes are permitted to fish with a single motor and without winch. So far, my department has not come across any violations”, he said, adding that his office will receive report from the staff on Thursday.

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