Rinku loved creating a ruckus in the neighbourhood. Barely a teen, even playing or running around the football ground could not calm his raging hormones. As one neighbourhood aunty complained to another: “He is so shameless. If I were his mother, I would smear mustard oil and belt him.” Rinku was peeping from his window ledge, while she changed her dress. The new found curiosity of the human anatomy had driven Rinku mad!

An older school-mate told Rinku that mustard oil was the best lubricant to satisfy all raging hormonal urges. “A very good massage to your testicles would make it bigger and better,” advised the older boy, when a confused Rinku asked how his penis grew so big in such a short time, while peeing.

He even posted a query on the internet from the local cyber café: “I am 15 yrs old and i have a 5 inch long one, so is mustard oil beneficial in any manner for penis growth, and i am also facing very irritating wet dreams (nocturnal ejaculation) from past 6 months and every months it happens 4-5 times, is there is any way to prevent them, i am tensed because i have faced it 7 times this month.”

At home, Rinku’s mother heard from a neighbour how he peeped into bedrooms. She was embarrassed. So one evening, when Rinku returned from the playground, his mother confronted him with a packet of ‘Anupam’ mustard oil. “I hear you have been a peeping tom lately,” she said. Rinku was confused. “How did she know about mustard oil?” he thought and got the bottle. “Smear the oil on your body,” she commanded. Still confused, Rinku started putting the oil. Soon as he was, he turned back to find his mother with a stick.

“What .. what are you .. doinnngg?” asked Rinku already preparing to flee the scene.

“You monster. You have a lot of energy, let me take it out,” screamed his mother and started beating him. Rinku was quick enough to escape and hide inside his room, till his mother assured she will not do anything, if he behaves.

A grown up now, Rinku was an engineer now working with an MNC. Rinku went for his first paid holiday to Thailand. With five others, he wandered off to a spa for a traditional Thai massage. A calm and composed woman ushered him inside chambers and told him to undress. He did and so did she. After a minute, Rinku was seen sitting outside. When his friend emerged, he was puzzled to see Rinku outside. “What happened? Did she turn out to be a boy?” Rinku’s colleague asked. Rinku did not say anything.

When the calm and composed lady took out a bottle of mustard oil, all Rinku saw was his mother holding a stick with a bottle of “Anupam” mustard oil in her hand.

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